"Reading is like travelling, only faster and more dangerous"
    The Literary Salon Billeter
    In the centre of Heidelberg, I have established the Literary Salon Billeter. My guests travel from East to West, meet writers and their translators, cultures and languages - - in the language triangle English-German-Russian.

    Events focused on:
    Michail Bulgakov ... Anton Cechov ... Galina Shtsherbakowa ... Vladimir Vyssotzkiy
    Katherine Mansfield ... Patricia Highsmith ... J. D. Salinger...
    "Hermann Hesse, Wilhelm Tell, the Matterhorn and Swiss Roesti"... Friedrich Glauser

    Invited German authors: Gesche Blume and Frank Barsch, the Heidelberg publisher Christian Weiß

    For more information about these readings, just contact me!
    The number of participants is limited to 15.